Thursday, March 24, 2011

Found It!!!

I finally found it!  A replacement splash pan!  YES!!!

These are no longer made but they fit my Shimpo RK-2 wheel.  I don't know why they aren't made anymore.  2 piece splash pan that just slides right on (no taking the wheel head off) and the connecting piece has a shelf.

I purchased the shelf portion about a year ago when it randomly showed up at Seattle Pottery Supply, but a corner of it was broken off.  So when I walked in a few days ago and they had both pieces in pristine condition, it was like a light came down upon it and angels sang!

The guy said that it's the best condition they've seen one of these in for over 15 years.  And I got it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky! If you ever see a pan like this minus the shelf, I would love to buy it & your broken shelf (or if you see another with both) as I am also looking for the RK-2 & probably am going to just make something or do some crazy repair of the old one. Chris-